Monday, August 30, 2010

Weekend Run-down

So the title's a little play on words....feeling TOTALLY run down from this weekend and wanted to give you a little rundown of the past couple days--and share some photos (I am in LOVE with Manda's new DSLR camera...).
As we've been hyping for the past few months--Miskabelly launches on Wednesday!  So Manda came to PA to visit and tie up some loose ends (take photos of merchandise, plan our packaging, etc.).  Of course Aurora was along (and the daddy-o, Q).  Can I just say...that little lady is the cutest baby EVER!  I can't imagine my little-girly-on-the-way could possibly be as cute...we will have to wait and see. ; )
me and Rora, playin her drum!
I love how much she giggles now...but she definitely has a soft spot for her momma and daddy.  They can always get her to crack a smile!!

Anyway...just wanted an excuse to show off my niece and share some of the photos I took when I highjacked Manda's camera this weekend!  I'm exhausted...and have to get mentally prepared for the big week ahead!  Stay tuned tomorrow for the regularly scheduled blog (WEEK 23!).

Thanks for reading....and for voting (we're holding strong at the top 50! *link at top*)

Andrew and I getting our practice in!