Monday, June 6, 2011

Strawberry Season

I always know when it's strawberry season (I'm talking fresh, local strawberries, small and sweet).  My mom always talks about the morning of Amanda's high school graduation how we went to pick strawberries.  Pretty sure I used them to make that American flag cake from the Cool Whip ads (with the strawberry stripes and blueberry 'stars')...haha, was and always will be a nerd I suppose!  So the beginning of June when schools let out (Lyla's Aunt Jill graduates this year--Congrats Jill!!) and Andrew and I's anniversary approaches (5 YEARS this Friday!) I know that there will be fresh, hand-picked strawberries in my near future.

This past Friday I met my friend Sandi at the Farmer's Market.  We used to have weekly lunch break dates when I was still working, since we were both working on the same campus (Penn State University).  We've been doing our best to keep those meetings going, even though now it means I drive down with Lyla to meet her at the Starbucks just off campus.  We got our iced drinks and walked down to the Farmers Market, Lyla in her Beco front carrier.  Sandi got a mini homemade blackberry pie for her boyfriend and I of course got fresh picked strawberries.

Saturday morning I made gluten free strawberry waffles (Bisquick's gluten free mix is amazing--I didn't even make a separate gluten laden batch for Andrew!) with strawberries and whipped cream.

The perfect start to an almost-summer weekend.  That, and waking up to this sweet little face....

And now it's already Monday.  Where does the weekend go?



Jenarcissist @ the closet narcissist said...

Ahh...the simple joys of summer! :) Nothin' like fresh berries.

But I have a bone to pick with you...I thought I was only debating between the Babybjorn and the Ergo, and now you've presented me with a THIRD choice in baby carriers!! heehee So what made you pick the Beco, and what do you like about it? I am becoming one of those first-time expectant moms who has to read ALL the reviews on multiple products so I can pick between them, meanwhile convincing myself that I'm being "prepared" rather than "obsessive." ;)

Miskabelle said...

@Jenarcissist @ the closet narcissist

Well, I got my Beco carrier as a gift, so I didn't really have a choice! But I do LOVE it. It is super comfortable and hardly puts any strain on my back...and it's really cute! They have really cool patterns to choose from (though if our next baby is a boy I'm not sure how I will feel carrying him around in a floral/purple carrier...). One downfall--Lyla can't face front in it (and she's an observer so I think she'd really like to be able to). I've heard great things about the Ergo!