Friday, May 20, 2011

Funny Girl

Aurora is a character...I don't know how else to describe her.  She is funny and a little wild and very independent, but also sweet and cuddly.   She is figuring out what she likes and dislikes and what she can and can't do. I find myself taking pictures of something funny or cute almost every day. She doesn't pose the way she used to, but I've caught a few moments in the last week or so that I wanted to share with you.

The other night, Aurora found herself a new seat in the kitchen...

As I've shared in this week's fashion blog, Aurora has a new favorite treat:  BEANS!  See if you can spot the bean in the photos below...

(She also loves reading.  Here, she explores a Rilke compilation.  Baby genius, I tell ya.)

One of Aurora's favorite words for the longest time was HAT!  It has quickly become her favorite accessory.

And this week, Aurora has been practicing her Mommy skills and taken a lot of interest in her Cabbage Patch baby.  Baby gets lots of kisses (and also drops onto the hardwood floor).

That's all the time I have for funny little girl is going to be up from her nap, and we're hoping for a family bike ride before it rains! I just got Aurora a helmet and we set up her bike trailer. I really hope she likes it! (Photos to come!)

Have a wonderful weekend!  Thanks for reading.



kmurph said...

Oh my goodness, what a NUT! So adorable.

Just April... said...

she really seems precious and fun! hope you have a great bike ride and a fabulous weekend. still hoping we can get together sometime soon! - April

Amanda said...

Thank you for commenting ladies! She is hilarious.

@April...why aren't you blogging more?! I'd LOVE to follow you....I'd also LOVE to get together, any time!

Unknown said...

Teagan has a cabbage patch baby and she loves her! I love Aurora's PJs!! Too cute!