Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day Everyday

Funny how for Mother's Day most moms take the day off from their usual mom duties. I guess the idea is that handing over the baby to daddy for the day will help him gain even more appreciation for what you go through each day as a mom. And while I did relinguish a little of my usual Lyla-duties to Andrew, for the most part we spent the day as a family. To be honest, every day is like Mother's Day at my house. My husband thanks me for what I do all the time. He jumps in whenever he's needed. He does laundry. He washes dishes. He comes home from a long day at work and scoops Lyla into his lap so I can get a much-needed break. I guess I should be saving this post for Father's Day...but what I'm really trying to say is that I don't think I could be as good of a mom without the constant support of my husband. He encourages me daily and tells me I'm doing a good job. My Mother's Day was just the same as any other day--but with roses and a bag of gummy bears (Lyla picked them out, of course!).
