Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Date Night Confessions

Last night Andrew and I went on a little date, just the two of us.  We got all dolled up so I wanted photo documentation (and Lyla looks gorgeous everyday so of course she HAD to be in our photos)!  She couldn't keep her gaze of the bright lights!

My first confession:  I almost ruined our evening by throwing a mini-tantrum after seeing these photos.  So many were super blurry.  We were using studio umbrella lights and no flash--which looks long as you can hold the camera completely still AND your subject stays still (a difficult task for a baby).  And my camera is just a Canon point and shoot.  I've been super jealous lately of how lovely the photos are on some of my favorite blogs.  I think I'm going to start a "fancy camera fund" jar.

Anyway... after Andrew got me calmed down, we ended up having a really nice evening.  We spent dinner talking about Lyla and comparing photos of her on our phones.  We tried to take our time eating and even went to Starbucks afterwards for some decaf lattes.  But alas, we were anxious to get back to our baby.  Which leads me to my second confession (which Andrew and I both reluctantly confessed to one another....):  We care more about Lyla than we do each other.  It sounds weird.  And I hated even typing that just now.  But I suppose that's what it means to be a parent.  Lyla is the product of our love for one another.  And though the experience of pregnancy and child birth and the past four months as parents has made me love Andrew even more than I thought possible...Lyla trumps it all.  Being a momma is truly incredible.



Nikki said...

She really is a cutie!! I think caring more about your child than your spouse is just part of being a parent. It's not that you love your spouse less, as you said, it's just that your child becomes the most important being in the universe.

By the way, I love your outfit!!

Amanda said...

You look great, mama (where is that top from?! So pretty. WANT).

Babies definitely require more "care," but you also have to remember to keep being intentional about loving each other openly so Lyla can have that as an example! <3

Miskabelle Vintage said...


Yes, AND it's a different kind of love I suppose. There's always "romantic" love for your spouse too.
Thanks for the compliment!

Miskabelle Vintage said...


Yes yes I agree! It takes more effort now to make time for just the two of us, but we're doing our best!
Top is Free People (of course!) via Gabe's for $9.99 (of course!)...

Katy said...

The best advice my in-laws ever gave me was "Always put your marriage first." Children require more time and attention, but I think marriage requires more intent. Both require plenty of playtime. ;-)