Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Take Time to Make Time for Yourself, Mamas. (Sponsored Post)


Thanks to Crystal Light for sponsoring this post. To learn more about how Crystal Light can flavor your day with 30 refreshing flavors, visit

Jayme and I have both posted about it recently and it's no secret: being a mom is hard. I work from home, so I am with Aurora all day and all evening. I work during her nap times and between cooking dinner, cleaning up and spending time with my husband when he gets home, I don't really get time to myself unless I wake up early or stay up late.

I have found that it's necessary to get some alone time during the day (or at least, every other day, if possible) to refuel. My two favorite ways to refresh are writing and exercise.

a little indulgence never hurt! coffee is one of my weaknesses.
If I have the happy fortune of a good night's rest, I might wake up before Aurora. I love to sit in the kitchen at sunrise with my coffee and taking 15-20 minutes to write what's called "morning pages." I just write whatever comes to mind, stream-of-consciousness style, whether it's a list of my daily chores, notes for a new story or blog, or just a diary-style entry of what I've been up to. Morning pages help to clear my mind and often open doors to my creativity.

If I have a free night where I don't have to work, I love to exercise. I'm surprised to hear myself say this because it's only a recent realization. I have discovered Zumba, and I love it! I actually have fun while sweating and working my entire body. I feel pretty amazing after a half an hour workout. It's true that exercise gives you more energy, as long as you can muster up the energy to do it!

As moms, we have to take time to nourish our selves in order to be our best. Even if it's just 15 or 20 minutes, it's time well spent.


Remember, visit to learn more about how Crystal Light can flavor your day with 30 refreshing flavors. I was selected and paid for this sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective, which endorses Blog With Integrity, as I do.