I am making no excuses, but this week was totally out of whack. It wasn't a complete failure and I'm not giving up. I was laid up with bad cramps for two days and the third day we had a crazy storm here, so we lost power for 24 hours, and I couldn't go outside. Kind of messes up some of the workout/eating goals that I set. But i persevered over the weekend and am ready for a great week! Beach on Saturday, which means: it's crunch time (not actual crunches...well, maybe)! I decided (along with Q) that my tummy is definitely looking flatter. I was also able to fit into a skirt that I had shrunk a bit in the dryer. And I'm happy to see some of my goals become habits (the water thing) and my attitude toward exercise becoming more positive.
Here's the lowdown:
No snacks after 8pm
I had a healthy snack Monday night, after our P90X workout (it's an hour long and we did it all!) and I had food/dinner Saturday night for a friend's party (that didn't start 'til 8).
Drink a glass of water before any other drink
I did well, except for the 24 hours the power was out, and we had no ice/filtered water.
One high-protein meal each day; breakfast (omelette or scrambled eggs w/ veggies), lunch (salad w/ protein), or dinner (protein main dish and low-starch side dishes). Did it! Was way easier than I imagined: scrambled eggs, caprese salad, steaks on the grill and zucchini, mango, chicken and red quinoa salad from TJ's, a delicious burrito bowl (sans rice) from Chipotle, chicken with garlic sauce from Lebanese Taverna...yum. I'm sticking with this goal.
New: A fruit or veggie with every meal.
Two P90X workouts w/ Q One P90X and one run. Just okay.
Three walks with Aurora I only got one real walk in, though we walked her around the Farmer's Market on Saturday morning (where Q and I shared an ah-mazing banana, coconut and Nutella crepe!). The weather really messed things up.
New: Toning exercises on off-workout days: Arms. Push-ups and weights. EPIC FAIL: I totally forgot I set this goal and I never did it. So we're leaving it in for this week.
Morning pages at least 4 days I did two days, but I also wrote a whole fiction piece in preparation for SPARK! Round 9, so I'm pretty pleased with myself.
Two computer-free evenings once Q gets home...no email, no Facebook, no blogging, no grading! It's harder than you might think. We had Monday and Saturday (and Thursday, by force, since we didn't have power!). It was a good week. ;)
New: Meet up with a good friend (hopefully to write!) this week.
So here are the pictures...taken with our new camera, purchased this weekend (life without a DSLR was tough). I'm not sure you can tell a difference in my belly, but I feel good, and that's what matters:
I don't typically wear red lipstick to work out, but I wore some out to dinner and it's the stay-put kind, so...don't judge.
It's P90X time...it's become Q and I's Monday night tradition, getting our asses kicked. It's starting to feel good.
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